The Good Earth Nature School
Click To Listen To Brydie Talk About TGE!
Click To Listen To Brydie Talk About TGE!
At The Good Earth Nature School learning is our primary focus. The foundation of all that we teach and all that is learned is rooted in our core character traits. These traits include perseverance, resilience, a sense of wonder and curiosity, self-control, generosity, kindness, and gratitude. Teaching, modeling, and supporting the development of these traits are ingrained in all that we do.
We believe a well-balanced educational approach combines time engaged outdoors with a research-based teaching methodology for core subjects. For our 4 and 5-year-old preschool students, this includes brief 10-15 minute circle times for stories, phonemic awareness, calendar, Spanish, and number games, punctuated by lots of unstructured free play and exploration of interests through music, art, and hands-on science activities.
Like our preschool students, our kindergarten students also spend a generous amount of time in free play and exploration. In addition, kindergarteners spend more time in groups to advance their literacy and math skills.
Our primary students have a motto, “We work hard, and we play hard!”. They spend the majority of their mornings immersed in learning and practicing reading skills, mathematics, world cultures and geography, and science. In the afternoons, they may learn to play new field games, build shelters, learn a traditional dance from another culture, learn to track animals, build with real tools, learn breathing techniques in Mindfulness class, or create art from a variety of media.
All students at The Good Earth attend weekly Mindfulness classes, Spanish, and Citizen Scientist, groups. We encourage the students to build their leadership skills through multi-age whole school projects, events, and activities. Along with this leadership, the students learn and model respect for themselves and others and responsibility for themselves, their community, and their environment. In short, we strive to educate the whole child to prepare them for success in an ever-changing world.
For more information about our Nature School Program, click on the parent handbook section below.
School Calendars
Photo by Lindsay McGowan Photography
Photo by Lindsay McGowan Photography